Every person has once or many a time done their washing and then found to their dismay that the once fitting dress is now too tight, be it a shrunken wool sweater or pants that no longer ‘Fit like a Glove.’ Fortunately, most of the garments that have been a shrunken clothing, can be eased and returned to their original state easily. Here in this ultimate guide, you will learn all the necessary actions to perform to unshrink various types of materials so as to save your favorite clothes and your money wisely.
Understanding Why Clothes Shrinking in the first

However, to begin with the unshrinking process, it is pertinent to know why garments shrink in the first instance. Shrinking of most clothes occurs due to the effect of washing with hot water, washing and/or drying using high temperature and rubbing. Thus, such natural fibers as cotton, wool, and silk are very sensitive to this change and can easily shrink excess moisture. Heat makes the fibers shrink and by agitating the fibers, they may entwine and reduce thickness, making it smaller.
General Tips for Unshrinking Clothes from shrinking

Regardless of the type of fabric you’re dealing with, some general principles can help you in the unshrinking process:
- Act Quickly: In other words, the earlier one starts the unshrinking process the higher are the probabilities to restore garment.
- Avoid Heat: More heat can then set the shrinkage. During the unshrinking process, it is preferred to use water that is lukewarm or preferably cool.
- Be Gentle: This garment must be handled very gently in order not to complicate the constructive destruction of the fibers even more.
- Use Conditioner or Baby Shampoo: These products assist to minimize the stiffness of the fibers so that they can be stretched back to their normal position with ease.
Unshrinking Cotton Clothes from shrinking

Cotton is one of the widely used materials and unfortunately, it shrinks easily. Follow these steps to unshrink cotton clothes:
Materials Needed:
Lukewarm water mixed
Baby shampoo or hair conditioner conditioner
A large, bath towel. towel
A flat surface which they slab for washing and drying cycles together.
- Fill a Basin with Lukewarm Water: First of all, you need to pour water into sink or basin and the water temperature should be comfortable and warm. No hot water should be applied as this may lead to more shrinkage.
- Add Baby Shampoo or Conditioner: Occasionally, it is recommended that you dip a very small amount, roughly a tablespoon, of baby shampoo or conditioner in the water. It also helps set the cotton fibers and thereby causes them to become more relaxed.
- Soak the Garment: Place the shrunken cotton garment into water and swirl it, wash the shrunken cotton garment in the shampoo or conditioner. Let the marinade to be prepared rest on the chicken pieces for up to thirty minutes.
- Gently Stretch the Garment: To rinse, take the garment and wring it by pushing together the two palms without making direct friction on the fabric. Carefully take the garment and lay it on a flat towel then roll it to expel as much water as possible. After that, you should spread your garment on a flat surface and then iron it in order to bring it in to its initial size and shape.
- Dry Flat: This should be done to avoid fading of colors and further more the garment should be left to dry because ironing can cause an explosion. It is advisable to iron the fringed end instead of drying it on the dryer because when the fibers are heated again they will contract.
Unshrinking Wool Clothes from shrinking in the first

Wool can also be described as a kind of a fabric type that shrinks readily is other classifications. The following method can help you unshrink wool garments:
Materials Needed:
Lukewarm water
Baby shampoo or conditioner
A large towel
A flat surface on which plaintiffs or sheriffs can dry food.
- Prepare a Solution: Use lukewarm water, and then, pour a dash of baby shampoo or a children formula conditioner into the sink or basin.
- Soak the Wool Garment: Flood the wool shrunk garment into the water and start moving it, make sure not to rub in any way. Allow to soak for approximately 30 minutes, this will help to relax the fibers.
- Remove Excess Water: Roll it in a towel by patting it rather than twisting the garment.
- Stretch the Garment: Put the garment on a flatted towel, roll it, and throw it on a dry towel. Slowly pull the garment back to its normal state, do not pull too hard as this can damage the material of the garment.
- Dry Flat: Let the garment dry naturally on a flat surface and whenever the garment is drying it should be regularly rearranged into its size form.
Unshrinking Synthetic Fabrics

Synthetic fabrics for the most part, polyester and nylon are less likely to shrink but if certain conditions to prevent clothes are met, they will shrink. Here’s how to unshrink synthetic clothes:
Materials Needed:
Lukewarm water
Fabric conditioner
A large towel
One of the conditions is a flat surface on which food is dried.
- Prepare a Solution: Ensure that the water is warm and add a little quantity of fabric softener.
- Soak the Garment: Place the water-shrunk synthetic item in water and allow it to remain there for 15-30 minutes.
- Gently Stretch the Garment: Take out the garment from the water and pinch out the excess water with your hands and then spread the wet gown over a towel. Twist the towel to wring out more of the water from the garment and then lay the garment flat on the bed and with your hands stretch the garment in all directions to get it back to its usual size.
- Dry Flat: hang the garment to air-dry, and it is advised that you reshape it every time it is still damp.
Unshrinking Denim Jeans

It is this same material that causes denim jeans to shrink if washed in hot water and dried using high heat. To unshrink denim jeans, follow these steps:
Materials Needed:
Lukewarm water
Softener/washing soap or baby gentle soap
A large towel
Open area, could be flat or uneven but has to be a level that clothing inside the dresses to be dried can be spread on.
- Prepare a Solution: It is advised that water should be warm and the amount of fabric conditioner or baby shampoo should also not be much.
- Soak the Jeans: In a tub, immerse the shrunken jeans and let the jeans to be soaked in the water for about half an hour fix shrunken clothes.
- Gently Stretch the Jeans: Take out the jeans out from the water and wring the clothes as much as you can to drain out the water. Spread them out on the towel and roll it up to squeeze more water out from the cloths. Next, wear the damp jeans (wearing them cause it to attain the shape of your body) then proceed to move around to help elongate the denim.
- Dry Flat: remove the jeans and the lay them over a towel for them to dry. It is still recommendable to carry on stretching them gently while they are drying.
Unshrinking Silk Garments

Iusly silk is a sensitive cloth and one has to very careful when handling it so that it does not shrink. To unshrink silk garments, follow these steps:
Materials Needed:
Lukewarm water
Any mild shampoo for babies or mild laundry soap.
A large towel
Flat and a level area where the clothes can be dried.
- Prepare a Solution: Bathe in a sink or basin in warm water and only a little of the baby shampoo or gentle detergent solution.
- Soak the Silk Garment: Soak the shrunken silk garment in the water, and this should take you approximately 15 – 20 minutes.
- Gently Stretch the Garment: Take off the garment, blot it with sort of towel and make sure you do not wring the garment then spread it on another towel. Roll the towel up to get rid of even more water and then put on the garment and smooth it out stretching it to its normal size.
- Dry Flat: Let the garment dry in a cool, dry place and while drying, the garment should also be given its appropriate form.
Special Considerations for Delicate and Blended Fabrics

Some of the fabrics are sensitive or they could be a mix of cotton garments another material hence one should be careful. Here are some tips for handling these fabrics:
- Rayon: It is horrible if one is not careful; Rayon shrinks a lot. As for silk, wash angora thoroughly with the baby shampoo or gentle detergent in the lukewarm water.
- Cashmere: It should be washed as wool with baby shampoo and shampoos, and put it conditioner, in addition, it has to be gently stretched.
- Blends: For fabric blends, it is necessary to find out the type of fabric that is in the larger proportion and then apply the above mentioned method to it. One must not be too rough with it as it could easily rip the fibers of the dress.
Preventing Future Shrinkage
For this reason, it is advised that one avoid having their clothes shrink in the first place as this will eliminate the need for unshrinking them gently squeeze. Here are some tips to help you prevent your clothes from shrinking:
- Read Care Labels: For example, always wash or dry clean the garment depending on the directions indicated on the piece of clothing. This will enlighten you on the right washing and the right drying techniques to adopt.
- Use Cold Water: Place the clothes in cold water to minimize on shrinking of the clothes.
- Air Dry: Do not use a dryer when you can help it because of the activities it causes such as wringing, twisting and tugging to get a job done. For this reason, air drying is less invasive to the texture of the clothes and reduces issues of shrinkage.
- Low Heat Settings: If one has to use a dryer then one should select the least heat setting in order to avoid problems of shrinkage.
Avoid Overloading: It is very important that you do not overload your washing machine, or dryers to avoid straining them. Losey can result from overloading, because it leads to excessive agitation of the fabric causing shrinkage.
Shrinking one’s clothes is a very annoying issue; however, with proper handling, it is easy to dry the shrunken clothes and almost get them back to their normal size and shape. Through the reasons why clothes shrink and caring procedures of various kinds of fabrics, garments that have been cherished can be salvaged and the time of their usage can be prolonged shrunken garment. Therefore, to shrink the materials, one should be quick, gentle, and ensure that he or she does not apply heat. Also, if you follow recommended preventative measures then the problem of future shrinkage can be avoided just by reading the care label and using the cold water and warm water. Below, you will find some tips and tricks that will help you maintain clothing cleanliness and retain their usability for several years.