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How to Wash Spandex: Essential Tips for Cleaning and Maintaining Your Stretchy Fabrics

Spandex also called as elastane or Lycra is a synthetic material most popular for its stretchable nature. This fabric material is widely employed in the production of sportswear, swimwear, underwears, and additional clothes that must be stretchy and comfortable to wear. Although clothes and stockings made of spandex allows you to move without hindrance and feel comfortable it is necessary to mention that this material has to be worn according to some special rules to increase its durability. Here, we are going to disclose general and particular recommendations relating to the cleaning and proper care of the spandex fabrics to make your garments look like new during several possible years.

Understanding Spandex: The Basics

To begin with the rules of washing air drying and care for spandex, it is necessary to familiarize with the peculiarities of this type of fabric. The material used to make spandex is polyurethane thus its flexibility and elasticity that can be stretched and bounced back. Basically, it can be stretched up to five of its length and then regain its initial size. Nevertheless, inadequate care contributes to the deterioration of fibres, it loses elasticity, colour begins to fade and may even tear apart.

Pre-Washing Tips: Preparing Your Spandex Garments

These are pre-washing machine tips:

Read the Care Label

The first thing that anyone should do in taking care of any piece of garment that contains spandex is to first of all, check the label instructions. Sometimes the care instructions are general but more often than not there are special washing/ care instructions that are unique to the blend and construction of the garment which the manufacturing company may include on the garment and the packing material. These are some tips that should be followed strictly for the better handling of the fabric so as not to cause a lot of damage.

Sort Your Laundry

Avoid rubbing your spandex clothes with other fabric products that may be abrasive like jeans, or even towels as this will cause abrasion and pilling. One should also ensure that they wash the spandex clothing mixed with similar colored clothes to prevent dye transfer.

Use a Laundry Bag

To further enhance the protection of your apparels, it is recommended that you wash your spandex items in a mesh bag or laundry bag. This saves them from entangling with other clothes and also minimizes their contact with other clothes, thus avoiding cases of getting torn apart.

Washing Spandex: Step-by-Step Guide

Hand Washing: How to take a gentle learning approach

Actually, hand washing is the most recommended procedure when it comes to cleaning fabrics containing spandex because stretching of the fabric puts significant strain on the fibers and on the spandex specifically, which will lead to inferior elasticity if stressed frequently.

Fill a Basin with Cool Water

That is, one should ensure to use cool water so that the natural fibers that do not degrade. Do not use hot water to wash the fabric also avoid warm water because it does not only cause the fabric to shrink but also wash it of its stretch ability.

Add Mild Detergent

For washing the delicate garment select a mild detergent that has been designed for delicate fabrics. It was found that using hard washing products have a negative effect on the spandex fibers, as it has the potential to wear off the stretching capacity of the material. Pour a little moment of detergent in the water and stir until it is properly dissolved.

Soak and Gently Agitate

Put your spandex garments in soapy water and swirl the garments in this water for a few minutes. It is preferred not to scrub or wring, since this leads the fibers to become damaged and split.

Rinse Thoroughly

Rinse with running water and pour out the basin then fill it with cold water. The garments should also be washed thoroughly to ensure that there are no residues of the detergent left on the garments as this harnesses more dirt and degrades the fabric.

Press Out Excess Water

Do not twist but roll the garments in order to remove the water by placing the garments side of the empty hand wash basin gentle or delicate cycle. The other way is to arrange them horizontally on clean towel and proceed to roll the towel to blot the water.

Machine Washing: A Convenient Alternative

If your specific washing requirement involves the use of the washing machine, then you will need to check the care label add extra measures of care for the spandex garments.

  1. Use a Gentle Cycle: Choose a delicate or gentle cycle of your washing machine because strong water flow often causes additional stress on the garment.
  2. Cold Water Wash: When washing spandex always do it with cold water delicate cycle. If hot water is used, it forms pollutants on the fibers and also defeats the fibers’ elasticity and shape.
  3. Mild Detergent: As with the hand washing, it is also recommended that you use a mild detergent that is appropriate for sensitive skin. Both bleach and fabric softeners may harm the spandex fibers, so they should be refrained from.
  4. Laundry Bag: To avoid entangling and to reduce rubbing of the other laundry, always sort your spandex items and put them in a mesh laundry bag.
  5. Low Spin Speed: Thus, the washing machine should be set at low settings- The low setting refer to using less force to press the clothes during washing and less frequency when agitation is necessary.

Drying Spandex: Maintaining Shape and Elasticity

Spandex garments need to be dried correctly, especially when it is done in a dryer so that the elasticity of the clothes and their shape remain intact machine washed.

Air Dry: On the same note, the right procedure to follow to dry wash spandex fabric is by spreading it on a fresh, dry towel and leave it to dry. It is advised that spandex garments should not be hanged as this causes them to stretch beyond their normal size.

Avoid Direct Sunlight: They do not like direct sunlight since this causes fading of colors and make the fiber weak. Select a good area for drying your spandex items with low heat; this should be an area that has a shade.

No Heat Drying: Do not ever use a tumble dryer for your spandex articles of clothing. Also, the high heat, may result into the destruction of the fibers and henceforth they lose their elasticity fabric softener. You can use a fan to help reduce the time it takes for the material to air dry if time is of the essence.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Spandex fabric

Avoid Fabric Softeners: It is worth stressing that fabric softeners can cover the spandex fibers and make them no longer flexible and elastic. For softer clothes, wash your spandex shrink clothes as usual but in the last rinse, add vinegar bleach or fabric softeners. This vinegar softens the fabric and still does not damage the spandex material.

Rotate Your Garments: In case you use spandex frequently then there is a tendency that it will usually get worn out frequently and thus it is recommended that it should be rotated spandex machine washable. This makes it possible for the fibers to rest between the wears and also add to the total life expectancy of maintain spandex fabric the garment.

Proper Storage: The other precaution about the spandex garments is that they should be stored in a cool and dry place so that they do not get direct sunlight. This specific type of clothing should be hung for a short while because they cause stretching if they are hung for long durations. Just bring these clothes neatly, possibly fold them and put them in a drawer or even on the shelf.

Handle with Care: One should be very careful when putting on and off On garment especially those that are made of spandex fabric. Do not perform activities such as pulling or tugging of the fabric as this will weaken the fabric and contribute to the formation of tears.

Address Stains Promptly: In case your spandex garment is stained, then you should try to clean it as soon as possible. The solution to soak the implicated clothing is a gentle stain remover or washing water with diluted gentle detergent. Then humour should gently squeeze the stained area with a clean part of the cloth without rubbing it because this may cause tearing of the material.

Avoid Contact with Rough Surfaces: While wearing the spandex avoid touching specimens of coarse fabrics, floor or furniture as these are likely to cause rubbing of the fabric. This includes grouts of gym equipment, Velcro strips, and abrasive furniture surface.

Limit Exposure to Chlorine and Saltwater: Spandex swimwear materials are chlorine and saltwater resistant but the fibers begins to break down if it is left to be in contact with the substances for long times. It is recommended to wash your swimwear under clean water to eliminate the effects of chlorine or saltwater on the fabric.


To promote the longevity of your spandex garments as well as the retention of its shape and elasticity one should take proper care of the garment. Many stretchable fabrics should not be washed with strong detergents, should not be ironed, should be hang dried and should not be stored folded, and therefore, by following all these important tips of washing, you can wear your stretchable fabrics irresistible. So, if you want your spandex clothing to remain bright-colored and as comfortable to wear as the first day you put them on, then adopt these practices as you wash them. It is essential to stress when washing that the more delicate treatment the better to retain the stretchability of the items.

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