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Can Cotton Shrink? Tips for Washing and Maintaining Your Cotton Garments

Cotton is certainly one of the most famous and universally used fabrics in the entire world because it is soft and breathable. But any person, who has used a cotton garment, fully understands the calamities of shrinkage. For this reason, learning why cloth made from cotton becomes shrinkage and how you can wash and care for your other cloths made from cotton from shrinking, will ensure that we get the best out of them.

Why Does Cotton Shrink?

Cotton fibers are relatively short and when these fibers are spun into yarn then woven into fabric these fibers are elongated and tensioned. When the garment is washed or dried and subjected to heat and/or water the fibers of cotton shrinking the fabric tend to shrink and return to their basic state. This occurrence is referred to as “relaxation shrinkage.”

Also, there is ‘felting shrinkage’ other synthetic fibers which is usually evidenced by the increased compaction of the interlocking of the cotton fibers under issues to do with heat, moisture and agitation cotton shrinks. Thus, felting shrinkage is more intensive for wool but can also affect cotton lint, although to a lesser extent warm or hot water.

Factors Influencing Cotton Shrinkage

Several factors can influence the extent of raw cotton and shrinkage:

Fiber Quality

Better grade of cotton fiber such as in some premium or luxury cotton clothes or fabrics have longer fibers and shorter width contraction as compared to inferior natural fiber or shorter cotton fiber material pre shrunk cotton.

Fabric Construction

Shrinking of cotton fabric depends on how the fabric is woven or knit delicate cycle. Cloths made of tighter weaves or knits are in general more stable and do not shrink as easily unshrink cotton.

Pre-Shrinking Treatments

Some types of the cotton fabrics are pre- shrink during the first wash of production to reduce future shrinkage to the minimum level. Check for the words “pre-shrunk” or “SANFORIZED” should be printed on the garment for you to be sure if the garment has under gone through such process.

Tips for Washing Cotton Garments

Some of the tips that have been given that I think can help decrease the chance of shrinkage of synthetic fibers in the cotton garments include washing the garments properly. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Read the Care Label

If you’re washing a cotton apparel, it is recommended that you check the care label before washing. Stitched on the label is the washing instructions such as the suggested water temperature, the way to dry it and other details. This indicates that the recommended procedures if strictly followed can go a long way in avoiding damage and hair shrinking.

2. Use Cold Water

One of the most efficient tricks to avoid shrinkage, other than not washing at all, is washing the cotton garments with cold, cool or warm water only. Cold water does not drag as much stress on the fabrics which in turn retains their quality. Also, the use of cold water is not very harsh on the fabric and color which reduces cases of fading.

3. Choose a Gentle Cycle

Do not use a heavy cycle on the washing machine so that there is reduced movement. Agitation can also be to the extent that it weakens the fibers and makes the fabrics shrink up through the process of interlocking of the fibers. In case one has the chance, it is recommended to wash cotton clothing items with like fabrics to reduce them rubbing against each other.

4. Avoid Overloading the Machine

If the clothes inside the washing machine are too many, the friction and washing movement enhance, therefore the cotton fiber stretch and shrinkage is more significant. Make sure that your garments have adequate room to swirl or bounce around in the water during washing.

5. Use Mild Detergent

Choose a soft, mild soap which is created for the sensitive fabrics. Vinegar and hot water also damage the fabric by shrinking and weakening the clothes’ fibers via the soap. Bleach and fabric softeners are also prohibited in washes as these can fade the fabric material as well.

Tips for Drying Cotton Garments

Drying is a very vital activity in preserving your cotton apparels and to also ensure you do not suffer from shrinkage. Here are some tips to follow:

1. Air Dry When Possible

The biggest enemy to fabrics is shrinkage which can be prevented best by air drying. As soon as your all cotton and polyester blend under wears are wet, spread them on a clean, dry towel and flatten them as you dry them to their normal size. Do not hang the wet garments as this is likely to bring about stretching and distortion of the cloths in question.

2. Use Low Heat setting

In case you have to use a dryer then ensure that you use the minimum heat setting that is available. High heat is one of the main culprits to cause the cotton to shrink. Take the garments out of the dryer when they are slightly wet and let them dry in the open as opposed to ironing.

3. Avoid Over drying

Thus, if cotton garments are over-dried, the strands weaken and the clothes minimize shrinkage to a higher level than the previously determined greatest shrinkage. Make sure that you closely monitor the period it takes to dry the clothes, and take the clothes down as soon as they are dry or when they are slightly dry.

4. Tumble Dry with Care

However, if you have no option but to use a tumble dryer you ought to add a couple of dryer balls to shrink in the dryer in order to speed up the drying process and enhance the circulation of air within the tumble dryer. This can assist in avoiding a situation whereby your cotton apparels will be subjected to very high temperatures with resultant shrinkage of your cloths.

Additional Tips for Maintaining Cotton Garments

In addition to washing and drying techniques, there are other steps you can take to maintain your cotton garments and keep them looking their best:

1. Proper Storage

If you have cotton apparels, do not iron them immediately as it is best to store them in a dark and dry area or location. Sunny weather should also be avoided because the fibers will become weak if exposed to a lot of sunlight further leading to fading. For lighter articles, use the padded hangers, and for the rest of the garments, fold them since hanging strips can stretch them.

2. Iron with Care

To remove the wrinkles on your cotton clothes, it is recommended that you iron them using a steam iron, at low to medium heat. Potential parents are advised to take cool water and iron the clothes when the clothes are still slightly wet for the best outcomes to be achieved. Do not apply much pressure when ironing as this stretches the fabric.

3. Handle Stains Promptly

Cotton garments require some sort of treatment as soon and this is because stains have a tendency of setting. Treat with a mild bleach and clean it following the instructions on the tag of the garment. Do not scrub the cloth in circles, as this will cause abrasion of the fibers lining flat surface of the cloth fabric.

4. Rotate Your Wardrobe

Wearing often together with washing damages the cotton garments as they wear out faster when used most of the time. Besides air, flip your wardrobe to let your clothes breathe and last long.

5. Regular Inspections

occasionally, check your cotton clothes for any signs of wear like, loose thread on any part, any holes or fraying of edges. Power 1 Killing two birds with one stone Several problems are small but when neglected, they culminate in massive problems hence should be dealt with immediately so as to prolong the wearing of shrinking cotton clothes.


This fabric is famous due to softness, hypoallergenic, and sustainability; however, it should be washed and ironed under certain rules to avoid shrinking. The provided information about what causes cotton to shrink and shrinking prevention tips helps not only to wear favorite pieces of cotton clothing maintains longer and without alterations in their appearance.

To clean, always read the label, hand wash the clothes with cold water and use gentle cycles, iron using low heat, if any, or air dry the garments and handle them with care. If measures are well employed in this path, one can be very sure that he or she will continue enjoying his or her cotton clothes many more seasons ahead.

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